Gear Up for Summer with Olivia Culpo

Olivia Culpo participated in Amazon Influencer Program by going live on May 25, 2022, and sharing her favorite products for summer including pool accessories and swimwear. Also, she was answering questions going from her favorite juices to her engagement with her boyfriend Christian McCaffrey.

Follow Olivia on Amazon to view her shopping list HERE
Watch the full live stream HERE

Nails & Coffee

On March 15, 2022, Olivia Culpo shared via Instagram Story her go-to nail shade and style “Nail shade is funny bunny. This is what I do 90% of the time and I have to keep them short for cello stuff otherwise I can’t play + I hate the feeling of long nails.” adding right after what coffee she ordered at NOT JUST COFFEE and that she can only handle a tablespoon of caffeine a day or she gets horrible anxiety.

Sports Illustrated Swimsuit Edition 2021

Olivia Culpo stars in this “Moving Portrait” from Bali. “Moving Portrait” is a new SI Swimsuit video series dedicated to showcasing the natural beauty of both their models and locations while promoting self-love and confidence.

Feeling so grateful to be back with @si_swimsuit this year!!! To work with a brand whose mission is to inspire ALL women to be the best version of themselves is such a blessing for me… I feel so lucky. Thank you @mj_day and the entire SI team for showing ALL women that you can be anything you want to be. I still remember walking into your office almost 5 years ago being scared out of my mind and dreaming of the opportunity to work with SI. When I reflect on those times I am reminded about the power of forging a path and fighting for your dreams. This goes beyond myself and to every person out there with a desire to pursue their own unique goals. I am forever grateful for the path I was able to pave for myself and feel indebted to the people who have helped me along the way. I hope that anyone reading this knows that their dreams can come true too and no matter how crazy they may seem, YOU can reach them and it will be freaking awesome ❤️❤️❤️

oliviaculpo via instagram

Olivia Culpo for Shape Magazine December

Olivia Culpo as a cover girl for Shape Magazine December 2020, photographed by Thomas Whiteside. In our gallery, you can find scans! Don’t forget to read how Olivia Culpo’s wellness philosophy is helping her cope with endometriosis and quarantine on their website

Be the Hero of Your Health
“About a year and a half ago, I was diagnosed with endometriosis, but I knew there was something wrong before that. I had gone to a number of doctors in agony — crying, shaking. When you’re living with chronic pain, you don’t know if you want to throw up or just curl into a ball and cry. That’s when I started a six-month journey of trying to figure it out. ‘OK, what is going on here?’ I finally went to a doctor who was able to diagnose me. Good thing, because my condition was advanced, and she needed to check my eggs immediately to make sure my fertility was intact.

Right now, I’m trying to figure out new ways to heal holistically through what I’m eating and the rest that I’m giving myself. I’m also exploring acupuncture, massages, Chinese herbal medicine, and maybe cutting out caffeine. I’m going to actively try to help people who live with this and not just talk about my experience. ”

Thank you @shape for making me your December cover girl. What an honor! I have admired this magazine my entire life, I will never forget seeing it at the grocery stores as a little girl and looking at the women gracing the covers in awe. And thank you so much to the village who made these shots possible. This was my first ever pandemic cover shoot and it would not have been possible without such an amazing team 🌟🌟

Instagram @oliviaculpo

Welcome Oliver to the family!

In July 2020 Olivia got a new family member named Oliver Sprinkles Culpo McCaffrey who already has an Instagram account where you can follow his life with Olivia as a mommy. He’s still being potty trained and recently went on his first road trip in a LOUIS VUITTON Dog Carrier 40. How fancy is that! Make sure to follow him @oliversprinkles

Olivia Culpo for Vogue India July 2020

Olivia Culpo was photographed by her boyfriend Christian McCaffrey and interviewed by Rujuta Vaidya for Vogue India July 2020. In the interview, she talks about the source of her confidence, her average day during the lockdown, More Than A Mask initiative, fashion weeks, personal style, and evolving as a couple with Christian.

Among the personalities, you have encountered in your career, whose work inspires you the most?
I am inspired by so many people in different ways. It’s so hard to narrow down. I think someone I have always absolutely loved following is Yara Shahidi. She is so beautiful in every sense of the world and when I met her in person she was just as lovely as you would think. I also think she is an incredible role model for the younger generation which means more to me now more than ever.

How have you and Christian evolved as a couple in this time?
Quarantine has really strengthened our relationship, and we have gotten so much closer. Spending this time with his family has made me so close with them as well, they’ve become so important to me.

Have you and Christian worked on a shoot collaboratively before? What is the difference between being behind the lens of a loved one versus a professional?
We have never done anything like this before! I had him help me shoot some of my More Than A Mask photos a month or so back, but besides that (or the occasional iPhone instant photo) he has never done anything remotely professional! This was so fun for us and he really does have a great eye. I was really proud.

Describe your average day during the lockdown? Where are you currently? Who are you quarantining with?
Every morning I start the day with berries and coffee. Then I usually make an egg white omelet and start working on emails. During the day, I try to get a workout of some kind and cook something new. I feel like my number one hobby over quarantine was learning new recipes to cook for my “quarantine crew”. I spent almost 100 days with my boyfriend’s family in Colorado along with my little sister, Sophia. He has a really big family like me so our group ended up being pretty big! We had about nine people in total. The more the merrier!
Read the full interview on